Hi Flow & Next

11 July 2005
Yesterday I went to the mall to look for a big handbag which would be able to fit my stuff. I have been so used to buying small bags that now I look at them and find them mostly useless. So I was looking at those available from Next. There were two that I liked but they were not on sale and the guy said they will go on saled next month. So I was thinking.. Maybe I should wait a little bit.
WHat prompted me to think of buying a big handbag was my meeting yesterday. I was wearing a pale pink suit and no bag to go with so I ended up carrying a curdoroy purple bag, which was sloppy really. But maybe I got away with it. But I do not want to feel uncomfortable with what I wear or bring when on to an important meeting. So I will be hunting for the perfect bag. I will attach pictures when I find one online.
Yesterday though I wasnt able to leave the mall without taking anything home with me. I would have felt bereft. So I got.....
2 Scarves from Hi-Flow, they were nice. One was for winter its a dark green (weird green) cotton wool, and another one was this lace type with little embroidery of flowers which is what really attracted my attention.
Also, I bought this knicker bucker (kneekir bucker) as what my ex-boyfriend used to call it, its this pants that are not really up to the ankle at least but not abouve the knees either. It was white with a hint of black stripes and some strings on outside and inside legs portions. Yanni, its not that nice but it was cheap.
Cost1: Aed. 19.00
Cost2: Aed.25.00
Cost3: Aed.25.00
I bought socks from Next. Cute. Three in one bag, lots of cute colors.
Cost4: Aed.40.00
Damage of the Day: Aed.109.00
Sensibility: Still Thinking about it
Guilt Check: Hmnnn.. At least I didnt spend that much!
Wallet Check: Will we still last till the end of the month? Its only the 12th of July. Darn! So the guilt is seeping in.
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